Women's Hockey Championship Gymnastics Peter Canavan Women's Netball Joey Dunlop Equestrian David Humphreys


Application Form
(.doc, 172k)

Guidance Notes
(.pdf, 297k)

Appendix 1
(.pdf, 45k)

Appendix 2
(.pdf, 67k)

Appendix 3
(.pdf, 59k)



NI Programme
for Government

NI Physical Activity Strategy

Investing in Health Strategy

Neighbourhood Renewal




Communities Sport Programme

Northern Ireland’s most disadvantaged communities are set to get more active thanks to an innovative Community Sport Programme from the Sport Council for Northern Ireland, supported by the Big Lottery Fund.  

The Sports Council for Northern Ireland programme has been extended thanks to a cash injection of £2.4 million from the Big Lottery Fund. The funding will be used to appoint Community Sport Development Officers and Community Co-ordinators across Northern Ireland.

The Programme aims to kick-start initiatives promoting sport and physical activity in Northern Ireland’s most disadvantaged and marginalised communities.

Local communities are now able to apply for funding from the Sports Council to appoint Community Sports Development Officers and Community Co-ordinators that will work with local people in a bid to:

  • increase and sustain participation;

  • promote healthier lifestyles;

  • build personal capacity of individuals; and

  • improve social cohesion.

In particular, the Officers will be tasked with finding new ways of attracting women, older people, people with disabilities and ethnic minority groups into sport and physical activity.

Communities that would like to apply for funding should contact Paul Donnelly at the Sports Council for Northern Ireland on 90383870 or by email [email protected]






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Last modified: Wednesday July 21, 2020.