Women's Hockey Championship Gymnastics Peter Canavan Women's Netball Joey Dunlop Equestrian David Humphreys

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The Sports Council for Northern Ireland has been in business for twenty five years.

The Council has three policy objectives:

To achieve its overall aim of developing sport from grass-roots to elite standard, the Council works closely with other organisations.

Its main partners include:

  • district councils

  • education and library boards

  • governing bodies of sport

  • government departments and statutory agencies

  • voluntary clubs and organisations

  • the education sector

  • the commercial sector

The Sports Council for Northern Ireland is also responsible for distributing Lottery Sports Fund awards.

The Council is part of a broad Sport network and has a close relationship with its equivalent organisations in England, Scotland and Wales, as well as the UK Sports Council, which has responsibility for UK wide sport.

Tollymore Mountain Centre is funded and managed by The Sports Council for Northern Ireland.

For further information visit their website;
Tollymore Mountain Centre or e-mail them [email protected]

e :[email protected]



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Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to [email protected].
Copyright © 2003 Sports Council for Northern Ireland. All rights reserved.
Last modified: Thursday October 21, 2020.