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Sports Council NI Home Page >> Lottery >> Capital Programmes >> Play Sport



Play Sport

“A Sport Council Lottery Fund capital programme to establish multi-use games areas and co-ordinators at primary school sites.”

One of the key aims of the Strategy for the Development of Sport in Northern Ireland 1997-2005 is to enable as many people as possible, and especially young people, to obtain a quality start in sport.

The Play Sport capital programme aims to support this objective by helping to create well designed, floodlit, multi-use games areas which are located on or adjacent to primary school sites.

Eligible Groups: Primary Schools – First year applications will only be invited from the top 15% of primary schools in terms of deprivation as measured by the Noble Index.

Second year to be confirmed.
Minimum Grant: £5,000
Maximum Grant: £70,000
Maximum % Grant: 70%
Indicative Available Budget: £300,000
Closing Dates: 6th June 2003

Applications can only be process if they are eligible under the conditions of the award programme and the terms of the legislation that governs our activities.  For further information on eligibility criteria please refer to the Play Sport Information & Guidance Booklet.  

This Information & Guidance Booklet is designed to provide information you need to enable you to judge whether or not your project is eligible to apply for an award from the Lottery Fund.  However, should you required further information please do not hesitate to contact us at 
lottery@sport ni.net


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Last modified: Friday October 22, 2020.