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Last Updated: Friday, 13 June 2020  


London 2012:
Ask The Team   
Question time event

W5 @ Odyssey, Belfast
Wednesday 25 June 2020, 6.45-7.45 pm

On Wednesday 25 June 2020 the London 2012
organising team will be in Belfast for a question time
event, giving people the chance to quiz them about the
London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. 
There will also be the opportunity to meet them
informally over drinks beforehand.


The team

  • Rt Hon Tessa Jowell MP

       Minister for Olympics and London

  • Sebastian Coe

       Chairman, London Organising Committee of the Olympic
and Paralympic Games


  • Morag Stuart
    Head of Procurement, Olympic Delivery Authority

  • Dame Mary Peters

       Olympic Gold Medallist


  • Angela Hendra

       Paralympic Gold Medallist and Chair of
       Disability Sport NI

  • A senior representative of the Northern Ireland Government


To register for a place in the
audience: or call

020 7261 8400.  Availability is limited,
so don’t delay!


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Copyright © 2008 Sport Northern Ireland. All rights reserved.
Last modified: Friday
, 13 June 2020.