Home Page / Sports Council Lottery Fund / The Programmes

Capital programmes

Sport Share To assist with the development of sports facilities for community and post primary school use. (eg.Support for a new synthetic pitch at a school site.)

Performance Facilities To assist with the development of National or Regional training and competition facilities.(eg. Support for a centre of excellence for a governing body of sport.)

Community Sport To assist community based organisations with the development of sports facilities. (eg. Support for a new/refurbished hall accessible by a wide range of groups in the community.)

Club Sport To assist sports clubs and Governing Bodies with the development of locally based sports facilities. (eg. Support for the development of new tennis courts for club use.)

Play Sport To establish multi-use games areas at primary school sites and a Play Sport co-ordinator to facilitate school and wider community use. (eg. Support for a multi-sport kick-about area at a primary school.)

Safe Sports Grounds To assist major sports grounds to improve safety and comfort for spectators.(eg. Support for the upgrading of spectator facilities at a major sporting venue.)

Revenue programmes :

Talented Athletes To assist Northern Ireland’s leading sportspeople to compete successfully at international level.(eg. Support for an athlete preparing for the Commonwealth Games.)

Talented Athletes Next Generation To assist potential ‘Talented Athletes’ with their training and competition programmes. (eg. Support for an individual’s training and competition costs.)

Talented Junior To assist with the development of ‘Talented Juniors’. (eg. Support for a junior athlete’s costs of coaching.)

Talented Coach To assist the improvement of sporting performance through the development of talented coaches. (eg. Support for the organisation of a high level coaching camp to be attended by Northern Ireland’s leading coaches.)

Performance Management To assist with the appointment of key staff to develop and deliver High Performance Development Plans for identified sports. (eg. Support for the appointment of a Performance Director to implement a high level development plan for a sport.)

Starting Well To create increased opportunities for people to get started and develop their interest in sport. (eg. Support for the appointment of a development officer responsible for promoting sport in areas of high social need.)

Major International Events To assist Governing Bodies or their authorised agents to seek funding towards making a bid to stage a major international event and/or towards staging a major international event. (eg.Support for the bidding and hosting of a major European sporting event.)

Awards for All To give a broad range of groups, simple, fast Lottery awards between £500 and £5,000, with priority to small local groups. (eg. Support for the purchase of a major item of sporting equipment for a club with a low annual income.)

Other Programmes

Sports Institute Northern Ireland To assist, through capital and revenue Lottery support, the development of the Sports Institute Northern Ireland at University of Ulster. (eg. Support for the costs associated with the construction and services of the Sports Institute Northern Ireland.)



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