Women's Hockey Championship Gymnastics Peter Canavan Women's Netball Joey Dunlop Equestrian David Humphreys


10th Birthday of the National Lottery

The National Lottery is turning 10!  Thanks to everyone who has played or supported it, over £450 million has been raised for almost 7000 good causes in Northern Ireland. 

Nearly £60 million has been distributed to sport in Northern Ireland, and to celebrate the 10th Birthday of the National Lottery, the Sports Council organised an Olympic style torch run across Northern Ireland to highlight some of the projects who have benefited from this funding, through the Sports Council Lottery Fund.

Sport, education, health, arts, environment, heritage and communities have all benefited, and to celebrate this success and thank the National Lottery players for their support, the first ever National Lottery Day will be held on November 6.

For more information on the above, please click on the links below:

 - The Sports Council lottery Fund Torch Run (Click here)

 - National Lottery Day - Saturday 6th November 2004 (click here)

 - Links to other Good Cause distributors in Northern Ireland:

- Arts Council                         

- Awards for All                       

- Big Lottery Fund                    

- Heritage Lottery Fund            

- Sports Council Northern Ireland 


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Copyright © 2003 Sports Council for Northern Ireland. All rights reserved.
Last modified: Tuesday October 26, 2020.