Sport Northern Ireland Home Page >> News >> National Coaching & Training Centre 9th Coaching Forum 13-14 September 2020

Last Updated: Friday, 15 August 2020  

National Coaching Forum 2008

"Developing Decision Makers in Sport"

The National Coaching and Training Centre are holding the 9th Coaching Forum in Dublin City University, entitled ‘Developing Decision Makers in Sport’ on 13 - 14 September 2020.

The forum has an exciting line up of international and national presenters including Foppe de Haan, former coach of the Netherlands Under 21 Football Team, Antoni Girod, Professor of Applied Psychology currently working with elite athletes, Dr Lynn Kidman, lecturer in Coaching Studies;  Packie Bonner, Technical Director of the FAI; Dr Giles Warrington, Head Sports Physiologist to the Olympic Council of Ireland; Stephen Aboud, Coach Development Manager IRFU and  Gerry Hussey,  Psychologist  to the Irish Boxing Squad.

The forum will also include the launch of ‘Coaching Ireland’ and the launch of the Coaching Strategy for Ireland.


The cost for attendance is Euro 200.00 per person, which includes all meals and snacks. There is a BBQ planned for the Saturday evening, which is included in the costs.

Accommodation is also available for Sat night with a single room cost Euro 48.00 and double Euro 84.00

Parking is also available at DCU and an exit ticket costing €4 can be purchased on the day. 

If you wish to register you can do so by downloading the registration form below.  Please complete the form and send with your payment to National Coaching & Training Centre, 9th Coaching Forum, University of Limerick, Limerick. Please note that numbers are limited on some workshops and places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

We look forward to seeing you in September.

Click on link to download Registration Form



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Last modified: Friday 15 August